Fast Florida Divorce is a 100% online service created to assist you in obtaining an agreed-upon divorce from the Florida Circuit Court. No court visits or office visits are required.

With our online service, an attorney reviews your information to ensure your divorce can be filed in Florida. The online attorney also reviews your and your spouse’s agreements to confirm that they are lawful and acceptable to a circuit court judge. The online attorney will draft all the legal documents to match your situation, circumstances, and agreements specifically. Don’t be fooled by non-lawyer websites. Their documents are often incomplete, and a judge will not grant your divorce until your documents are complete and legally accurate. It is common for people to hire an attorney to correct or re-do non-lawyer documents so that a judge can finalize a divorce.

Once your documents are fully prepared through our website, you and your spouse will review and approve them. Then, you will meet with an online notary to sign and notarize the documents, and your spouse will do the same. The online notary session can be completed from anywhere using a smartphone, tablet, or computer with audio and video capability.

After your documents are signed and notarized, we will file them with the Circuit Court in Lee County, Florida. As long as your divorce is agreed upon, you and your spouse can file in Lee County. Lee County offers a fast processing time for agreed divorces and requires no court appearances by you or your spouse to grant your divorce.

Before the judge can grant your divorce, Florida law requires twenty days to pass after you file your divorce petition. In addition to preparing the divorce petition and other documents to start your divorce, the online attorney also prepares the Final Divorce Decree and other required documents that actually ends your marriage when signed by the judge. The Final Divorce Decree must be prepared completely and accurately for the judge to sign and grant your divorce. Only a Florida Circuit Court Judge can grant you a Florida divorce. Our highly experienced and affordable online attorney team can ensure your divorce will be granted, so long as you and your spouse both sign the documents we prepare for you.

Our comprehensive online divorce service is offered at a pay-per-step pricing model. This approach allows you to manage the cost of your divorce and the timing of your payments according to your schedule and financial ability. This flexible payment option makes it easier to proceed with your divorce at a pace and budget that suits you.

Our service is broken down into two phases: (1) Case Initiation $195 and (2) Case Finalization $202. The pricing is simple, affordable, and fair. Again, we manage your agreed divorce for you from start to finish. Others simply draft documents that may or may not be sufficient and require you to navigate the court processes and communications with the judge on your own. We do all that for you.

We believe that Fast Florida Divorce is the fastest, most affordable, and most convenient way to divorce in Florida. No office or court visits are required to obtain your documents, sign and notarize them, and submit them to the Circuit Court.

We know that there are some people – even attorneys – who might tell you that at least one of the parties (you or your spouse) must go to court at least one time to get a divorce completed. This is not accurate. We have assisted with the completion of thousands of divorces in Florida, for which no court appearance was required. If you and your spouse are in agreement on all issues and you are both willing to sign the documents, then you will qualify to use FastFloridaDivorce.com.

FastFloridaDivorce.com: it’s fast, affordable, and fair.